Friday, March 20, 2015

Preschool tours

I have been keeping myself busy these days by touring all these preschools for the Fall.  I am so overwhelmed with all the schools and approaches they take that I am not sure what is best for Aaron. I was planning to send Aaron to bilingual school because I feel like he needs to start learning more Chinese; however, I don't feel like any of them after the tours. Most of these bilingual schools are either Montessori or academic focused, which is against my original principle.  I just want Aaron to be a child when he is still little. I don't believe in feeding him academic knowledge so early on when he's probably not ready developmentally. 

I think I've always been wanting to let Aaron play as much as he wants to before going to kindergarten. I don't want him to not like going school from so early on.  He should enjoy his childhood and not have to worry about academics until he's ready.

So far I have seen at least 8 preschools/CDCs and I can't quite make a decision yet. I hope there's one that stands out and I don't have to choose. I think there are still maybe a handful more to look at, hence the search continues. I would really hope to make a decision by this week so I don't have to worry about it by the time we fly home. *fingers crossed* ;)