Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sleeping alone for the first time

I was planning to setup the pack'n play in Aaron's room and put his crib in our room before we move in, however, the movers put Aaron's crib into his room and packed our room full of boxes that we can't even get through. I guess Aaron has to start sleeping in his own room tonight. I am foreseeing a very unhappy toddler crying before bed and in the middle of the night.

I wonder how many nights will it take him to get used to his own room, on top of living in a complete new place. I really don't think letting him sleep by himself in a new place is a good idea, but oh well I guess he can eventually get used to it, right? ;)

At least he seems happy reading bedtime stories with daddy in his room. Let's see how the sleeping go...

The Big Move

2 days is what we've got for packing up and moving everything to our new home. Our new place is located in the Willow Glen/Cambrian area which is a better school zone for Aaron. Even though this is not a single family home as we preferred, it will be a nice little home for us for the next few years until we find our dream home closer to Palo Alto.

Finally made some good progress in the kitchen, piling up all the boxes and have them ready to go when the movers come. I have no idea how and why I have accumulated all these stuff over the years. I guess I have officially become a hoarder and I need help *LOL* I can't seem to throw away or give away anything, everything seems to have a purpose (somedays). What's wrong with me? I seriously need to stop buying more junk that I think I "might" need to use. It's painful every time we move and apparently we have been moving around quite a bit.

So before we junk up the new place, here are some pictures of how it looks like -

Friday, April 11, 2014

Closing today

We finally closed on the new townhome that we've been waiting for on Friday.  I can't believe it has been taking more than 2 months to close a home in CA, but I guess we are home owners once again. We've been wanting to buy our own home since Aaron was born as he didn't have his own room and there was not much space for him to roam around.

This new home we are moving into has a better floor plan so that Aaron can play on both floors. We are planning to move him into his own room and setup a play room for him on the first floor. I hope he will enjoy our new home and adapt to all the changes quickly. Now the challenge is to finish packing up everything and move in 2 days! Wish us luck.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

School keeps Aaron busy

Since Aaron started going to the mommy-and-me preschool, his schedule is pack all week. Going to school 2 days a week, Gymboree 2-3 days a week plus miscellaneous activities at the library are keeping both momma and baby busy busy busy. We don't even have extra time to see friends or to go to the museum like we used to, not to mention how I want to sign him up for swim lessons and music class. I thought I was going to take it easy and let Aaron have a stress free and easy childhood, how did that turn out to be so packed with activities every day? Am I doing the right thing to keep him busy? Or is he doing too much? I wish someone could tell me am I doing things right for Aaron sometimes as I have no idea how to raise a kid at all. It's frustrating to muddle things through but who doesn't do that with their first kid?