Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow storm every week?

It seems like this winter has been an extra snowy one. We have been having snow at least once a week. Like today, we are getting snow non-stop, about 6" so far and it will keep snowing for awhile till midnight or something. I used to not like the snow at all, but after all these years living in the midwest I actually don't mind it! I guess when you don't have to drive in the snow makes a big difference. I am so lucky that my DH carpools with me to work everyday and I don't have to worry about parking. How nice is that huh? ;)))) Hope everyone drives safe and stays warm out there.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

korean dumplings

My in-laws were in town for a few days last week; thus I was busy entertaining them. They didn't stay for a long time as usual, but I am glad that my MIL made us some really yummy food. These mandu (korean dumplings) are one of my favorite korean dishes. They are simply healthy and delicious! I wish she made a lot more so we can freeze them for future consumption. =P

I am getting excited for my vacation coming up in 2 weeks. I can't wait to go home to relax and do some shopping. =D

Friday, January 7, 2011

Stressed out

I am pretty stressed out lately because I don't know what will happen in life. MY DH and I have been thinking about where to settle our lives for a long while since he finished school back last May. We both want to move to somewhere where we would enjoy the weather and food more. I am definitely open to anywhere warm like Southern CA, Texas, or even Florida. My husband likes the Pacific NW where he can enjoy outdoor activities and the beautiful scenery. I don't really mind moving to the Pacific NW either as long as I can land a decent job and maintain our current standard of lifestyle. However, with the current economy in the US, it makes our move pretty risky in terms of giving up our jobs and selling the house we love!

Nonetheless, if we are always afraid of changes we will never do anything right? I don't want to look back in 10 years and wish I did all these things that I am too afraid to do. I feel like life is passing me by and I need to do something about it. I hope something nice will happen soon and make my decision easier.

I am sure I will miss my very first house if I ever leave this place :(

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

new year weekend

Didn't do much for the new year weekend, just stayed at home relaxing most of the time. I came across a pretty simple recipe and wanted to try it out. So here it is - avocado crab salad! Yum!