Thursday, March 6, 2014

Terrible 2?

The older Aaron gets, the more he's driving me insane sometimes as he's having his own mind on doing or not doing the things I want him to do (usually drinking his milk or eating his meal properly).  I am not sure if he's not hungry or he's just not in the mood of eating/drinking most of the time because I can never starve him like other people have told me to or whatnot.  It just seems like this little guy is never hungry and doesn't need any food.  He's quite weird that he doesn't even snack much when I observed how other kids just couldn't wait to finish their snacks at school.

He made me so mad yesterday when he wouldn't drink his milk at all after waking up from his nap. He just wouldn't drink it no matter how hard I tried. I let him look at his books, play with toys, and even watch some of his favorite videos on youtube. Nothing seemed to work and I just had to put him in timeout.  He got so upset and just stayed on the ground for the entire time (probably 20 minutes) until daddy came home to rescue him.

The more I have to deal with these frustrating situations, the less patience I have.  Sometimes I even doubt that if I am qualify to be a mother when I cannot even control my temper that well. I get so flustered whenever Aaron is not listening to me. I feel so lost and I can't help but yell at him. I definitely don't think yelling is going to solve anything as he doesn't seem to respond to yelling very well either. I then found out that he might not have been feeling that well yesterday when he woke up with snotty nose this morning. Now I feel so bad that I yelled at him and couldn't have been more patient with him.

I've always known that I am not the most patient person in the world, but being a mother and working non-stop brought out the worst of me. I get frustrated and lose my temper easily on a daily basis.  I am starting to not feel great about being a mother the way I am. I don't think it's healthy for me nor my baby with my mental state. I know I need to change as it's going to be more and more difficult to take care of Aaron when he's growing into this little person that has his own will.  I think this might be God's plan for me to improve myself in something that I've always lack of. I hope I can overcome my temper issues with God's greatest gift (Aaron) someday.

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