Daddy went onto the leadership program trip at Cornell and I have been doing everything with Aaron 24/7 like a single mom. It's definitely tiring watching a toddler non-stop all day long. I don't know how single moms do it and I have so much respect for them. You won't know how hard it is until you have to do it yourself. I am lucky that I know daddy is coming home in a few days. I can't imagine taking care of a little one alone without any support.
I have to be honest that taking care of Aaron alone involved some screaming, yelling, crying, and time outs. I don't know how others stay calm when their kids throw a fit and wouldn't listen. I don't know how long can I stay sane taking care of him alone, but I am trying, learning, and listening. I think all SAHMs need a good shrink. =P
time out doesn't seem to work
more screaming and crying