Friday, February 17, 2017

The struggle in Silicon Valley

Another year went by and I am in disbelieve that I have been back to work for over a year. Working at Stanford is truly an eye-opening experience. I never get why do people complain about working/surviving in the Silicon Valley when I was just being a stay-at-home mom.  All I can say is it is quite brutal as described now that I am in it myself.  It is definitely quite exhausting trying to keep up with others. There are always younger single people who could devote all their time to advance their career in the SV. One becomes obsolete the moment he/she turns 30 or have a family.

Aaron is the only reason keeping me in the job market as I want to be able to provide for him too. I want to feel like I am contributing to whatever he needs in SV. It is insane to learn that his tuition, activities, and other miscellaneous expenses cost as much as our mortgage. Despite the expenses, it’s not going to change my mind on giving him the best we can afford. I hope he will understand and appreciate all our hard work one day.