I don't know how time flies by so fast after having Aaron. He turned 2.5 today in just a blink of an eye. It's actually a mixed feeling that he's growing up fast. I love watching him grow, talk, play each day and I want to stop the time because I love the innocent little boy the way he is now. Everything he does is terribly cute, well not always but you get the idea. But I know all the cuteness will eventually go away when he's older. I am living in the moment and enjoying him before he becomes all independent.
I feel incredibly fortunate to have Aaron in my life whenever I look at him. He's just a perfect little angel that God has given me. I feel like I can never have enough time with him even though I see him all day long and I didn't know I could love someone so much. I wish he felt the same way about me and become the person he wants to be. Happy 2.5 Birthday, my love!